Patcher tomtom home dll

Download Patcher tomtom home dll

A small manual for download:
  • Click "Download Now" image upwards.
  • Here is the link Patcher tomtom home dll if the image doesnt shows
  • Then, after you click the image you'll go to the 100% protected site where your download will start shortly
  • The small window should appear. Click RUN, and thats all. Just follow the instructions of the installer.

Top DLL files6to4svc.dll03-10-2007steam_api.dll557473aaaamon.dll03-10-2007physxloader.dll238994acctres.dll03-10-2007uiautomationcore.dll219615acgenral.dll03-10-2007nxcooking.dll78571aclayers.dll03-10-2007xmllite.dll61364acledit.dll03-10-2007dxva2.dll57053aclua.dll03-10-2007steamclient.dll54431aclui.dll03-10-2007tier0_s.dll53017acspecfc.dll03-10-2007vstdlib_s.dll48724activeds.dll03-10-2007libvlc.dll33143 This is a general instruction for updating your TT.

It is dedicated tousers who are inexperienced in updating their TT, but are computerliterate. You must know how to download, unpack various archives usingWinRAR, and ideally run a program from the command line. Some packagesare distributed using the program jDownloader or CryptLoad to ensurelong-time availability of the download. These packages are distributedvia a .dlc file.jDownloader: CryptLoad - The Next Generation of One-Click-Hoster DownloaderThis procedure almost guarantees a running system with a new map version8.15/8.25/8.30/8.35/8.40/8.45/8.50.

All services are available,including mapshare. It has been tried and tested with all Start's,One's, XL's, and GO's, as long as they accept a navcore (TT software)version 7.901 or later.If you want to update your system, some effort from your side isrequired. Read the threads, especially the sticky ones. Most questionsare asked and answered.You are welcome to post a question, including "newbie" and "trivial" questions, but check that:* you use the appropriate (sub-)forum and/or thread* the question has a descriptive title* the question is detailed and specific* is written clear and simple* includes details of importance, e.g.model: Go720serial: M6****G***** (these 3 characters only!)navcore: 8.351 (9982), patched with EasyUseToolsbootloader: 5.5128map: Western Europe 830.2306, keygenned with EasyUseTools* does NOT include DeviceID or full TT SerialNumber* you report back successes (failures tend to come back like a racquetball)What are we going to do?1 Update the software (navcore) on your TT2 Modify the new navcore to accept a new map (patching)3 Find a new map, suitable for your TT4 Make the new map accepted by your TT system (generate a key)All tools, instructions, and maps on this forum are provided by kind experts and donators.

Please give them credit and be nice.1 - System UpdateMake a full backup of your TT (check it!). You can use this to get arunning system again if you mess-up things. You can use the TomTomprogram HOME for this, but most hardcore users prefer WinRAR: When youconnect your TT to a PC, it shows itself as an external hard drive.Backup the entire content of this drive!

(Disconnect using the OSmechanism for safe removal.)Check the navcore version of your TT. On a running TT, tap the speedarea, and than tap the small area above where the speed was.It is on the second line, the first number after App (e.g.

7.221).Navcore v9 has the same information in the menu-system, last page. Thispage provides all essential information when asking for help.Another way is to have the TT connected to your computer, and view thefile ttgo.bif in the root of your TT. The version is afterApplicationVersionVersionNumber=HOME can also report the system version.You can check the TomTom website for the latest version, status and fixes: Application update overviewYou can also check the overview in here Updating TomTom - FAQ'sIf you want to know which TT-model you have: What device do I have?Update your system using HOME.Latest HOME: TomTom, portable GPS car navigation systems - _TomTom HOMEBut be aware of some TTHome restrictions sure your battery is fully loaded before you start.

Keep your TT on the cradle while updating.Do a soft-reset (consult this forum, the TomTom website or your manual): ResetIt should run fine now.Now make a new full backup from the updated system (you can exclude the map, it is already in the original backup).You now have a TT with the latest official navcore and with its originalmap. Functionality and the colour scheme may have changed.If it does not start: Device stuck at start-up or flashing crossAnother option: see this post Updating TomTom - FAQ'sAs a last resort: format the TT internal flash and put back your backup2 - Patch the NavcoreThe map you are going to install will not work with the officialnavcore.

For it to work you need to patch (modify) the file 'ttsystem'on your TT. Patching the ttsystem file is easy. Simply run the yDGpatch(made by yDdraigGoch).

It allows you to select ttsystem from your TT anddo it's magic. It can patch the .dll for the emulator in HOME ("operatemy TomTom") too. Get it here: TomTom Open Tools & TweaksThe latest generation of keygen tools can patch too: patch and generate akey in one go.

This has become the preferred way. See below: "4 -Generate a Key".If you cannot or do not want to patch yourself, there are prepatchednavcores. Find the one you need, and unpack to the root of your TT:TomTom NavcoreTo be able to use emulation on HOME ("operate my TomTom"), place the included .dll according to the instructions of the patch-tool (above).Your original map will work with a patched navcore.For the experienced patchers: You can decide on using a SE navcore.

See this post for more details Updating TomTom - FAQ's3 - New MapYou probably want a new map. Newer maps are betA big thanks to yDdraigGoch from another forum for creating & posting this tool. You still need to use the easyusetool to activate any maps.Download here :-[URL][/URL] v7 & v8 Navcore / Home patching - 1 step back, 2 steps forwardNAVCORESBack in the days of old v7 patcher, time was when you could let Home update your device & patch the ttsystem & dll wih a little program.

Nothing has emerged for v8 so it has been necessary to use SE file(s) to run 'cracked maps. Every time a new navcore, every time a new file to download. So I've written this tool as a '1 for All' standard system patcher.If you want to run a standard device system, as per TomTom official download, recommended for your device, ie. 8300 on a 520 - THIS is for YOU.If you want to run a new, shiny, latest version navcore or upgrade to run 'unofficial' functions, ie. have ALG on a One, - USE SE VERSIONS.REMEMBER: This is to enable 'compatible' maps to run on 'official' App/Navcore direct from TT via Home.

It will make your device run as STANDARD, not emulate another 'higher' device. ie.A 520 will run App v8300 & v815.2003 map & look like a 520A 910 will run App v7900 & v815.2024 map NOT v815.2003, & look like a x10 NOT an x40Your device will have all STANDARD functionality as per 'Original'/'Official' TomTom release. If you require non-standard features, use the pre-patched SE versions.HOW To - Simply navigate to the required ttystem or PNDNavigator file and apply patch.HOME DLLIf you are running a standard system, NOT an SE version, read this.You can use this tool to patch Home DLL's.HOW To - Simply allow Home to download the emulator files/folder with 'Operate My Go' & then apply patch to the .dll file.IF YOU ARE LOADING A NAVCORE VERSION OTHER THAN THE RECOMMENDED 'STANDARD' FROM TOMTOM, READ THIS.If you have loaded an SE navcore, ie.

8204, & ttgo.bif contains corresponding details, you can use TomTom Home to download the emulator files and patch the dll with this tool. � What's New?� Forum� Forum Home� New Posts� FAQ� Calendar� Forum Actions� Mark Forums Read� Quick Links� Today's Posts� Who's Online� My Posts� My Threads� Raffles� Contribution Actions� Contribute� Upload Image� Rules� Forum Rules� Buy Sell and Trade Rules� Support Austech� Filebox� Mailing Lists� iTrader� Raffles� Premium Membership �� Forum� Technology� GPS� TomTom� Patch tomtom home�If this is your first visit, be sure tocheck out the FAQ by clicking thelink above.

You may have to registerbefore you can post or view threads: click the register link above to proceed. To start viewing messages,select the forum that you want to visit from the selection below. What application do I need to patch tomtom home? I need to patch the DLL before I can operate my tomtom via home.Latest TomTom Home v2.8.3.2499 recently released.Fast Activate Premium Edition can patch TomTom HOME with just one click.Download the latest version here: Quick Navigation TomTom Top� Site Areas� Settings� Private Messages� Subscriptions� Who's Online� Search Forums� Forums Home� Forums� Site Related� Support Ticket System� Introduce Yourself� Rules, Information and Minor Announcements� Test Forum� Technology� GPS� TomTom� iGo� Garmin� Portable Devices� VoIP� Networking - Wireless and Cabled� Security and Privacy� PC Hardware� PC Software� Operating Systems� Recordable Discs� Web Site Design & Development� Electronics� Sound/Visual/Digital Multimedia� Communication Devices� Mobile Phones� Australian Internet and NBN� Security Alarms� CCTV� General Science� Automotive Technology� Home Energy and Improvements� Remote Control Hobby� SatelliteDigital Terrestrial, Cable and Internet TV� Satellite Television� Satellite Services Directory� Satellite TV General� Newbie Satellite� Programmers� Decoders� Dreambox� Other Linux based receivers� Free to AirC Band and Feeds� Australian MOSC� Emulators and Loggers� Wafers, Pics and Codes� Other Hardware� Technical and Development� VAST� Digital Terrestrial Television� Cable Television� Internet TV� Gaming� General and PC Gaming� X-Box And Xbox 360� Sony PlaystationPlaystation 2PSP and Playstation 3� Mame, Emulators and older Consoles� Nintendo� Miscellaneous� General Chat� Buy Sell and Trade� eBay Sales� Footy Tipping� NRL Rugby League Tipping� AFL Football Tipping� Movie and Music Discussion/Review� Collectables Super PM System provided byvBSuper_PM (Lite) -vBulletin Mods & Addons Copyright � 2016 DragonByte Technologies Ltd.Donation System provided byvBDonate (Pro) -vBulletin Mods & Addons Copyright � 2016 DragonByte Technologies Ltd. HII have a Tom Tom One XL with REALLY old Western Europe map.Name = TomTom ONE XLDevice Code = AKxxxxxxxxxxDeviceName=TomTom ONE XLDeviceVersionHW=ONE XLDeviceSerialNumber=L1xxxxxxxxxxxxDeviceUniqueID=AKxxxxxxxxxxxRamDiskVersion=20080529BootLoaderVersion=53026LinuxVersion=190943ApplicationVersionVersionNumber=8010ApplicationVersion=9369UserLanguage=English UKUserName=L1xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxLastConnectionTime=2009/06/24,11:05:26,UTCLastConnectionPhone=LG Electronics,KU990GPSFirmwareVersion=CurrentMap=Western_EuropeCurrentMapVersion=675.1409Traffic=NCurrentFuelpricesType=CurrentFuelpricesTypeString=CurrentFuelpricesLastFullUpdate=ValueRatio=ApjyHRbzu8+qH8q0VQ==I also have USA maps on the SD Card and i would like to load the latest western Europe Maps onto a new SD Card and place into the Tom Tom to use on my visit to Portugal later this month.

( i can then select the latest map from the menu on the GPS i believe)Is this possible? what map do i need and what do i need to do to load it onto the SD card to be read on the GPS?thanks Is this possible?

what map do i need and what do i need to do to load it onto the SD card to be read on the GPS?thanks DownloadWestern_Europe_1GB_905_4800 from here:[Only registered and activated users can see links. ]Activate map and patch navcore with this:[Only registered and activated users can see links. ]if you copy map to SD-Card then copy also ttgo.bif from internal memory to SD root before try batch 'file missing - ttsystem or PNDNavigatorPress any key to continuehow can i resolve this?thanksEDIT: I copied the ttsystem file from the root directory to the SD card and it seems to have worked.

is that right?Also, when patcher tomtom home dll try to Patch TomTom HOME it just says DLL is missing, how do i resolve this?thanks thanksI'm almost complete, but when i click on the3. Patch Navcore (ttsystem or PNDNavigator)it asks me for the drive letter (which is Fbut when i select it it is just sayshow can i resolve this?thanksEDIT: I copied the ttsystem file from the root directory to the SD card and it seems to have worked.

is that right?Also, when i try to Patch TomTom HOME it just says DLL is missing, how do i resolve this?thanksno you need patch navcore in internal drive if you copy only map to sd-card.when you run fastactivate select internal drive letter and patch navcore. so do i run Fastactivate on the internal drive for the navcore?

i've been running everything else on the SD card?or alternatively can i copy the HOME to the SD card also?No, do just like i say now.1. delete all other files from SD exept map, FastActivate.exe2.

run FastActivate and select internal drive letter when asked.and patch navcore only3. close FastActivate4. copy ttgo.bif to sd-card root5. run FastActivate again and patch your mapdont think HOME if you not have worked map.first No, do just like i say now.1. delete all other files from SD exept map, FastActivate.exe2. run FastActivate and select internal drive letter when asked.and patch navcore only3.

close FastActivate4. copy ttgo.bif to sd-card root5. run FastActivate again and patch your mapdont think HOME if you not have worked map.firstOK, i have deleted all files except map, FastActivate.exebut now when i run fastactivate and click on any of the items it say: .:: FastActivate 04/04/2013 ::.________________________________________________________________________________** File TTGO.BIF or TTNAVIGATOR.BIF not found **1.

Check if your TomTom Device/SD-Card is Plugged in.2. Make sure the file TTGO.BIF or TTNAVIGATOR.BIFis present in the root of your TomTom Drive3. Start TomTom once to create a new TTGO.BIF or TTNAVIGATOR.BIF________________________________________________________________________________Press any key to continue. . . Quick Navigation TomTom Discussions Top� Site Areas� Settings� Private Messages� Subscriptions� Who's Online� Search Forums� Forums Home� Forums� Forum Rules & announcements� Forum Rules� Forum Announcements� Moderation� General Forum� GPS Free Talk� GPS News� GPS Navigation Systems Sections� Garmin GPS System� Garmin News, Reviews and Previews� Garmin Discussions� Garmin Maps� Software & Tools� Garmin on Phones&Tablets� POIs, Voices, Speedcams & Vehicles� Garmin Receivers Firmwares� Garmin Tutorials� Creating Maps� Kenwood-Garmin� iGO GPS System� iGO Maps� iGO Primo software and tools� iGO Primo Discussions� iGO Tutorials� iGO Primo Skins� iGO UX Utilities� iGO Primo & iGO8 Graphics� iGO Voices, Speedcams & Vehicles� iGO Primo Nextgen Software� iGO Primo Nextgen Help&Support� iGO NextGen Voices and Languages� iGO Primo Nextgen Skins� iGO Nextgen Graphics� iGO Becker� TomTom GPS System� TomTom Maps Talk� TomTom Navcore� TomTom Software&Tools� TomTom on phones & tablets� TomTom Android� TomTom iOS� Tomtom POIs, Voices, Speedcams & Vehicles� TomTom Tutorials� TomTom Discussions� Tom Tom Archive� Sygic� Sygic Maps� Sygic Software and Tools� Sygic POIs, Speedcams, Voices,Vehicles� Sygic Discussions and Support� Navigon� NavigThanks to the helpful tutorials I have successfully updated my tomtom xl to navcore 9 and a new 865 map.I'm having problems patching patcher tomtom home dll tomtom home app as per the tutorial.

I've let tomtom home download the new app and i get the message about the map being incompatible with my device. I quit tomtom home and run the keygen but i get the above error message.

Have tried repeating and rebooting with no joyWould be grateful for some help. idiotwindofflineJoined: Mon Mar 07, 2011 2:37 pm Posts: 7 Has�thanked: 0 time Been�thanked: 0 time Make sure to have a ttgo.bak in the root of your device with the values of the original Navcore in it.Just open the ttgo.bif with and editor and change the 2 lines for the application version, save as ttgo.bak. Forum rules[Please Register or Login to download file]If you find broken links or missing attachments in my postings, please send me PMPassword for all my files: downunder Downunder35mofflineJoined: Wed Oct 21, 2009 4:44 am Posts: 4647 Has�thanked: 18 times Been�thanked: 396 times idiotwind wrote:I'm having problems patching the tomtom home app as per the tutorial.Open your XL in windows explorer.

Open the ttgo.bif file with notepad. Copy & post line 3. DeviceVersionHW=??????? tendriverofflineJoined: Thu May 20, 2010 4:43 pm Posts: 13076 Has�thanked: 349 times Been�thanked: 625 times First ten lines:DeviceName=TomTom XLDeviceVersionHW=ONE XL (v9)DeviceSerialNumber=RBDeviceUniqueID=AKRamDiskVersion=20100702BootLoaderVersion=55011LinuxVersion=547200ApplicationVersionVersionNumber=9205ApplicationVersion=547817.1UserLanguage=English UK idiotwindofflineJoined: Mon Mar 07, 2011 2:37 pm Posts: 7 Has�thanked: 0 time Been�thanked: 0 time Download & unzip.

[Please Register or Login to download file]Put it here:[/font]With XP[/font]C:Documents and Settings User NameApplication DataTomTomHOMEProfilesxxxxxxxx.defaultxtensions[/font]With Vista or Windows 7C:UsersUser NameAppDataRoamingTomTomHOMEProfilesxxxxxxxx.defaultxtensions[/font] tendriverofflineJoined: Thu May 20, 2010 4:43 pm Posts: 13076 Has�thanked: 349 times Been�thanked: 625 times 'The file link that you requested is not valid.

Please contact link publisher or try to make a search' idiotwindofflineJoined: Mon Mar 07, 2011 2:37 pm Posts: 7 Has�thanked: 0 time Been�thanked: 0 time idiotwind wrote:'The file link that you requested is not valid. Please contact link publisher or try to make a search'If you are referring to the link in post 5, it is a good link.

Click "Save file to your PC: [url=javascriptssEwJTjQNKKuPAw2GT()]Download[/url] " in the lower right corner. tendriverofflineJoined: Thu May 20, 2010 4:43 pm Posts: 13076 Has�thanked: 349 times Been�thanked: 625 times I have just tried the suggestion to use the old version number in the ttgo.bif file.Keygen patched successfully but 'operate xl' is still broken.

Screen just says no map available and won't let me do anything. I only really want to be able to set a pin.Thanks again,Ed idiotwindofflineJoined: Mon Mar 07, 2011 2:37 pm Posts: 7 Has�thanked: 0 time Been�thanked: 0 time idiotwind wrote:I have just tried the suggestion to use the old version number in the ttgo.bif file.Keygen patched successfully but 'operate xl' is still broken.

Screen just says no map available and won't let me do anything. I only really want to be able to set a pin.Thanks again,Ed idiotwind wrote:Tendriver, I still can't get it to download.

Have tried firefox and IE and all I get are popups.2shared does not have any popups!!!!2501 tendriverofflineJoined: Thu May 20, 2010 4:43 pm Posts: 13076 Has�thanked: 349 times Been�thanked: 625 times Thanks for the file tendriver - that stops tomtom home complaining when loading up.If I try to operate the device via tomtom home i still get the error message about the map being incompatible patcher tomtom home dll can't proceed beyond that.

Am I stuck with this? I only want to do this to set a pin so it's not the end of world.Is it safe to let tomtom home download the gpsfix update?Apologies again for the stream of questions! idiotwindofflineJoined: Mon Mar 07, 2011 2:37 pm Posts: 7 Has�thanked: 0 time Been�thanked: 0 time idiotwind wrote:Thanks for the file tendriver -1. that stops tomtom home complaining when loading up.If I try to operate the device via tomtom home i still get the error message about the map being incompatible and can't proceed beyond that.2.

Am I stuck with this? I only want to do this to set a pin so it's not the end of world.3. Is it safe to let tomtom home download the gpsfix update?Apologies again for the stream of questions!1. Wish you had mentioned the complaining earlier. We could have saved us both a lot of time.To fix version error.Open the ttgo.bif file with Notepad.Replace lines 9 & 10 with these:ApplicationVersionVersionNumber=8010ApplicationVersion=9369"Save as" ttgo.

bakDisconnect & reboot, then go to "operate my device".2. No.3. Yes. gpsfix & mapsharing are safe to use. tendriverofflineJoined: Thu May 20, 2010 4:43 pm Posts:Hi there!I am new here, since 1 week, and I find it great here.One question. I have problems to patch mi TT Home.I have a Tomtom go520GetMy-CFG v2.53===============DeviceID=xxxx xxxxDeviceVersionHW=GO 520DeviceSerialNumber=xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxApplicationVersionVersionNumber=9510TTSystem 8212461 bytes, modified 18.07.2013 18:44BootLoaderVersion=55128RDS/TMC 'mctx.dat' size 212 bytesCurrentMap=Europe_910_4892CurrentMapVersion=910.4892# - - - - - End - - - - - #I try to patch TT-home with FastActivate and with Alberts Easy Activator as described in this link download the new file from tomtom, and i select the �patch tomtom home� but there it stops and say he found not the correct .dll file and i have the wrong software.Please can you help me, and sorry for my English.Greeting Pharina !

PharinaofflineJoined: Sun Jul 14, 2013 3:35 pm Posts: 9 Has�thanked: 0 time Been�thanked: 0 time Pharina wrote:I try to patch TT-home with FastActivate and with Alberts Easy ActivatorPre-patched for TT Home "Operate my device".Put it here:With XPC:Documents and Settings User NameApplication DataTomTomHOMEProfiles?????????[/font]With Vista or Windows 7C:UsersUser NameAppDataRoamingTomTomHOMEProfiles?????????.defaultxtensions[/font][/font][/font]With Mac:[/font] User's_Home/Library/ApplicationSupport/TomTomHOME/Profiles/????????.default/Resources/Extensions/[/font][font="Arial"]Navcore.?.???.???? XXXX-/.framework[/font] tendriverofflineJoined: Thu May 20, 2010 4:43 pm Posts: 13076 Has�thanked: 349 times Been�thanked: 625 times � Related topics Replies Views Last post� unable to patch tomtom home 'correct tomtom home .dll missing for your device'by idiotwind � Mon Mar 07, 2011 7:01 pm13 Replies 6891 Views Last post by tendriverWed Mar 09, 2011 7:32 pm� Any way to patch TomTom Home for Mac?by Wowbagger � Thu May 20, 2010 12:33 pm8 Replies 3372 Views Last post by haaniWed Jul 27, 2011 5:50 pm� Patch TomTom HOME whyby likeicareuk � Sun May 25, 2014 12:19 am14 Replies 688 Views Last post by Hoppy8Tue May 27, 2014 5:33 pm� Cannot Patch Tom Tom Homeby itilley � Sun May 23, 2010 10:23 pm6 Replies 3174 Views Last post by tendriverMon May 24, 2010 10:16 pm� Patch TT Home for macby padula � Wed Jul 06, 2011 8:05 pm1 Replies 1232 Views Last post by tendriverWed Jul 06, 2011 8:45 pmWho is onlineUsers browsing this forum: ceesaue, Yahoo [Bot] and 7 guests

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